Sunday, November 6, 2016

Programmatic Study & Development

The building has developed into different parts instead of being just one single structure. This represents that the structure is expanding in all ways instead just vertically and one direction. Although, the path will keep having this huge impact on the structure and making the biggest connection for the Community Center. People will have the opportunity to go directly to the building they are looking for and either way if they decide to move around the path is an atrium so they can be protected from the elements.  


  1. Richard you have a lot of other studies that would be beneficial for us to look at. And I would encourage you to start thinking in section not in plan

  2. Hi Richard,

    yes, I think the section is important taking into account how previously the model was. Will be the volumes kept in translated position with respect to each other or not?

    looking forward for the other studies
    Maria Bostenaru
